Thursday 15 December 2011


When your hurt, you can never tell how hurt you are.. they say; what you do not know won't hurt you,  I doubted... some would even just say whatever they would like to without knowing the degree of such words, it's not even out of hate but because we are only as fragile as glass and as weak as strong as we are.

Saturday 10 December 2011

Sunday 4 December 2011


      I never thought of having so much pain out of giving so much joy. Weird, but for a flash of seconds I never had grudges out of hate but out of love. I could have written much intellectual entity than these absurd things inside my head. Ironically we license blame to others in receipt for afflictions but what we are missing, is the idea of getting ourselves in that kind of a situation in the first place, and if things goes inaccurately out of course, we run too fast and too soon before we realize that we’ve took a long way giving up our comfort zones the moment we let other people take hold of our own happiness.

Time can’t heal all wounds, reconciliation will.  Time will only give all sorts of space for not remembering the pain than letting go of the pain itself. Its 2 am and I can't find my own peace; what am I supposed to say when I’m all choke up and you’re okay, no wise words can stop the bleeding and some people have pondered to pray to a God that they don’t believe in because when a Heart breaks no they don't break even.