Thursday 27 October 2011


      It’s early as 3am and the knock of rush is drumming in my mind. Arriving at Manila 25 minutes past the hour of seven and everything changed. I merely comb and fixed my hair. My eyes wandered as I look at people I know I will never see after that moment. I grabbed my stuff still feeling a little bit sleepy and then I thought to myself how easy it is to be in a place where you don’t even care about the way you look and be like anybody or nobody and as I again take my walks on the capital of the Philippines I saw people from all walks of life, and life as it is some lived as perfect as a circle and others are as crooked as a kindergarten’s doodle. I knew that moment that mine is still finding a trace to a certain point. I’m missing someone what this place had since June 18, 2011. It’s been 5 months of faded sunsets and sunrise.  Anxieties started crawling, my heart could skip a beat when I saw a side view of his whole structure and it blew me off to the land of laughter and yes, he was there in front of me I felt a burn to my long cold heart and remembered a line from a movie “I already had what everyone is searching for and few ever find. The one person in the world who I was born to love forever. “  It felt to me like my heart is in a jet-lagged. 

Monday 3 October 2011


    Bitter people, they are everywhere in fact they can be anyone on your doorstep  they seduce you with their false lexis, and if you fall into their trap you became as well, as cynical like them,  you owe them sometimes by giving  you a little bit of hell that will make you grasp  for heaven a little more stirred . Excellent prejudice, cleverly distracting your able mind resort to disgust and extreme dislike the things that are most likely allied to them. Then here you are, having a day of strain because all you ever want to do is to please these malign walking stone which are only convenient unless thrown to hurt other people. 

     They come from any form of envious friend, struggling teacher with a lot of hang up’s that most likely to look at you as his contender than a student in need of knowledge. I used to think bitterness is what I see from people clinking their martini's and tequilas, far-reaching women intoxicated with beers and spirits, but I was laid-back to realize that these smashed souls may be preys by these real bitter people. Everything comes in pairs and if a lot of people get drunk out of happiness, take a look... Observe... because  hundred folds are inebriated out of the bitterness of other people.