Sunday 15 May 2011


    Sometimes the lessons that you learn in life comes from the people you least expect them from..  

    We all have our own set of injuries from people who sore our spirit of existence. Discrimination's, intimidation's, and all others IONS that crashes our dignity and sometimes pissed us to get lost on track..

     I remembered being ridiculed in my first dance audition which paved me the way to get my toes to make it through the center stage for rest of my secondary education. I think, these set of wounds are greatly attached in every string of humans' lives in order to create a twist , to blend all the flavors of life.. We may get a little bit of bitter from a panic-stricken teacher who gives us loads of deadlines, peaches and cream from an A rated hated subject.. A set of sour from a penniless pocket, pepper and salt from a long hours of work and group study that makes life a sure thing to be called a merit. Each day is a treasure box of gifts from above and just waiting to be opened. We should not be masters ourselves for this will immensely control our thoughts that would sometimes lead us to perish and lose direction of what is really the purpose of our existence; which is  always an adventure to explore, like a child who doesn't know how to lie, who prays like saint and love like heaven. 

     WE may find life unfair by the things we thought are important; fame, money, properties and status.  As summer, my favorite season ends, friends don't always have to get along, there's so much more inside people we don't see and everyone looks for love and in every problem there is a SURE


Saturday 14 May 2011


     If you are living in Asia, particularly in India, Japan, and Taiwan, you are in the midst of people of different religions and status with long history and wealth traditions. If you are living in Israel or Jordan, you are mixing with other Christians, mostly Catholic and orthodox, and Jews and Muslims.

      I say, if you are in the Philippines, you are a part majority of people who suffers from distress. I did research not for the cause of anything but nevertheless for the grounds of my concerns.

     On the fateful mornings of life, the tramp of two less fortunate people seize my thought for almost 13 years. these two penniless beggars; a mother and son were time and again been wandering in the bounds of our Jaro plaza like nomads, they were at times fed by kind sidewalk vendors who is also suffering from scarcity of basic needs. It’s ironic to think that no one from the government and NGO’s have had noticed them. 

     Maybe they were just one evident to the ignorance of the tightfisted local leaders who had excess wealth and may have been pretending sightless. This maybe just, one form of unfreedom such as malnutrition, little access to health care, sanitary arrangements, clean water and the lack of education for the futures of our motherland.  The situation of these two beggars is only a tiny portion on the alarming expansion of poverty. Blame does not suggest in this blog but a truth that  could blind off others and be fully present to the context were are; entering into a dialogue with others with an attitude of openness to prompt them to be servant-leaders themselves. There are more than half of the marginalized people which stories are yet to be told. Poverty does not only come from the scarcity of a house but a home. It is one dilemma that needs to be given awareness for the lungs of entire motherland does not evolve to well-off people but for all the rest of the population regardless of status.


Some people especially young children are extremely sensitive and impressionable with regard to animals. They have a natural affinity for them and a curiosity which should be carefully nurtured. With the right guidance an encouragement by parents and teachers, a child can learn to appreciate and understand animals, to treat them with compassion and to respect their rights.

       In a purely utilitarian sense, animals can provide valuable learning experiences that will help a child mature into a more responsible and caring adult.  In other words, teaching kindness toward animals can indirectly benefit our society because humane attitudes affect our relationship with both animals and people. The question of animal rights has been ignore in our culture for too long, unlike to most western countries where the welfare of animals is being safeguard accordingly. We owe it to them, as we do to our young and incoming generations, to foster concern for the rights of animals; to put an end to the thoughtless abuses, exploitations and insensitivity towards our animals’ kin that are so widespread today. I think animals have been more or less taken for granted, but since they cannot speak for themselves, we as their masters and guardians must speak for them, we as the most powerful creation on earth, have a moral obligation. Like us they are purposely created by God thus they too, are entitled for the rights we humans have.  Wild or tranquil they are all basically to our own


      I Feel bad and mad for people who recklessly treat animals, WE have an obligation but often a lot of people are ignorant about the fact that animals can suffer; "I often wondered what they learned about animals when they were young."

     There are many rights that our animal kin should be accorded. These include:

  1. the right to life;
  2. to humane treatment;
  3. to freedom;
  4. And responsible care.
     Yet these are often ignored by people. In fact, a lot of illegal animal selling is truly rampant for many people think that animals are just like machines and that their actions when they are injured are simply automatic reflexes; when you burn your finger, you pull your hand away. That is an automatic reflex action. So why do some people think that animals are unfeeling as machines? As Cardinal John Henry Newman said; “Cruelty to animals is as if man did not love God."  Let us ROAR and make children think, feel, and see with greater intensity and clarity.  Just where we fit in relation to the rest of the animal kingdom.

YOU DON'T LIKE TO BE HURT, NEITHER DO I.  It’s logical to think and to expect that these animals don't like to suffer either.  How do we know that? Because we are the most powerful animal thus we are considered human and above. So let us be a friend for them...
